Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The perfect storm of yammering douchebagitude.

True North's Andrew Lawton opining on whatever the fuck Jason Kenney is blabbering about:

And perhaps Jason Kenney's first priority should be to not murder any more Albertans, right, Andrew?

I'm glad we had this little chat.

EPIC IRONY FAIL: It's amusing to watch Jason Kenney yet again blame someone else, as if Alberta's employment situation is the fault of Calgary's new mayor. Apparently, Kenney has forgotten that he is the fucking premier of that oil-soaked province, and that maybe - just maybe - it's his job to fix shit.

But it's someone else's fault. It always is.

P.S. It might be fun to put together a list of everyone Jason Kenney holds responsible for Alberta's current fiscal situation (other than himself, of course). Here's a start:
  • Liberals
  • The federal equalization formula
  • Foreign-funded environmentalists
  • Joe Biden
  • The Saudis
  • COVID-19
I'm sure the list goes on.

1 comment:

MgS said...

Jason Kenney is the Rob Ford of George Bushes ... and I'm not even certain he rises to that level.