Tuesday, October 05, 2021


Rebel News' Ezra Levant, whose "media outlet" specializes in ambush journalism that regularly ends in violence and David Menzies getting arrested, and once had ex-Rebeler Keean Bexte chasing a creeped-out Greta Thunberg down a hotel corridor:

is now totally outraged over (*checks notes*) ambush journalism:

OK, then.


Anonymous said...

I saw that video ... all that happened was that someone followed Sinema into a bathroom trying to get an answer to a question. There was no running, there was no screaming, there were no raised voices. On the other hand, I remember Ezra pooh-poohing the violent January 6 Capitol insurrection like it was no big deal. What a fukking hack that guy is.

John S. said...

The person filming that incident in the womans washroom is a man.

Just sayin.