Monday, October 13, 2008

Pardon my proselytizing.

Shorter SUZANNE: Allow me to completely ignore the irony of pointing out anti-choice choices for those Catholics who might be confused about who they should vote for tomorrow. If your riding is sadly lacking in an anti-choice candidate, then be sure not to waste your vote on any incumbent who might be a "rabid feminist, abortion radical".

You only wish I was joking.


Balbulican said...

"Some Catholics may be wondering how to vote tomorrow.

I will tell you."

Oh, yes, please. I ALWAYS seek the guidance of monomaniac who believes that the entire governance of my country should be organized based exclusively on the basis of her obsession. As a proven liar, a failed political candidate and a confirmed obsessive, you're EXACTLY the person I will turn to for political guidance.

After all, you would turn to your priest for sex counselling, wouldn't you?

Nullig said...

I think it's funny that the majority of the CPC candidates didn't return the questionnaire, but they're give a thumbs up.

deBeauxOs said...

CPC candidates may get a thumbs up from Blob Blogging Wingnut, but they get the finger from the rest of us.