Over at Kate McMillan's Dead Jew Snack Shop and White Power Komedy Klub, guest blogger "EBD" is gittin' all territorial about the English language:

And it doesn't end there. What about "gay rights", "biological evolution", "supporting the troops", "public education" and "scientific literacy?" Apparently, leftards have snapped up all those words, too.
Oh, and "surplus." Don't forget "surplus."
Greedy leftard douchebags.
P.S. There's a certain irony to wankers pissing and moaning about the co-opting of language, given that they have, over the years, managed to quietly take possession of things like "patriots", "real Americans/Canadians", "morals and values", "pro-life", "pro-family" and so on.
Yeah, let's talk about propaganda, shall we? Fucking dimwits.
I got told off for using "wet lands" once because it was a rebranding and spinning of the term "swamp" when I tried to explain that "wet lands" was an inclusive term that included swamps and all manner of other, you know, wet lands, I was called elitist.
"Honour", "justice", "peace", "fairness'...
I believe what our ineloquent brother meant to say was that the left had stolen all the best IDEAS.
Ideas ... feh. Everyone knows ideas are elitist and ivory toweresque. Especially when they're, you know, good ones.
You're just lucky they didn't take you for a duck, cameron campbell. They shoot ducks like you.
even the word "conservative" has come to imply an agenda that includes opposition to "empathy" and "fairness" and "justice."
It's so true! Those dead Iraqis and Afghans totally don't appreciate conservative empathy.
Also, the word "terrorist" has curiously come to mean anyone the Right doesn't like. For any reason.
Don't you just adore the malleability of language?
This is the 3rd rail with me when it comes to wingnuts. From what I can tell, the most common characteristic among them is that they don't process language the way normal people do. Words have no meaning for them.
They've completely redefined the fashion of liberal/lefty language policing (words determine thoughts exclusively) to imply that liberals/lefties insisted words can mean anything at all. Which is the exact opposite; language policing attributed too much power to the meaning of words.
Anyway, EBD's last point is the kicker; think about what these radicals and extremists have done with the word "conservative."
"When I use a word it means exactly what I want it to mean. No more and no less." Humpty Dumpty.
And since when do the psychotics and sociopaths that make up the Far Right give two shrill hoots in Niffelheim about fairness, justice or empathy?
Don't forget Muslim, now a catchall phrase for "brown and wears 'funny' headgear". Or 'brown politician'.
If you have 20 minutes of free time.... 'verbicide'
(at the risk of sounding like a broken record) words lose all meaning once the wingnuts get ahold of them. jealously defend them, lefties.
Once the rightwing greedeologues grab hold of anything - a words, a resource, people - they suck it dry for all it's worth then cast it aside when they no longer have a use for it.
Thanks for the link Frank Frink
And yet.. actions speak louder than words.
Carry on as all of you were. Making a difference in the world.
So... like... go bust their stupid heads?
Neo-cons were pretty quick to adopt women's rights and human rights when it served their agenda in Iraq and Afghanistan. And they use freedom of speech and expression to launch hatred while at the same time worshiping censorship.
Sorry, I'm laughing too hard to make any kind of intelligent remark
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