Quatchi and Miga seen here in a pic snapped by Vancouver Sun's Ian Lindsay are now whoring tickets to the Vancouver Olympic Shames. And what ambitious whores they are!
For a sweet $285,000 each, 100 exceptionally well-heeled individuals will be guaranteed at least four tickets to all of the prestige events at the 2010 Winter Olympics, including the finals of men's and women's hockey, figure skating, speed skating, curling and snowboarding, plus the Games' opening and closing ceremonies.
As well, members of the Vancouver 2010 Club will have a spot in the cross-country Olympic torch relay, plus services of a car and driver throughout the 17-day Olympics.
You know nothing says Olympic spirit like wretched, disgusting excess and vulgar greed. I imagine a tear came to Bev Oda's eye at the thought of that car and driver. Just one more reason to say fuck the Olympics and fuck you to the VANOC pimps.
"Just one more reason to say fuck the Olympics and fuck you to the VANOC pimps"
And here's an even better reason,
I agree, that (First, Right To Play was barred from the athletes village for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. Now, it looks as if the athlete-powered humanitarian organization is also getting booted out of the Olympic movement) is so wrong. That for me is the final straw.
This current resident of Vancouver, who was also a resident of Montreal in 1976, so hopes to be a former resident of Vancouver by the time the circus arrives.
And no, I don't give a damn about the so-called benefits of 'legacy'. The 'legacy' of Expo '86 is still all too fresh.
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