Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I (heart) Bob Rae.

I want to have his babies.


Cameron Campbell said...

That's going to leave a mark.

Mike said...

Good ole Bob Rae. Simultaneously destroying his old ghosts and punching Harpo in the face at the same time.



WV - hymseali

(I need to use this in a sentence before the end of the day)

Luna said...

Hmm, I wonder if I can convince my husband to let me name the new kid Robert Rae OurLastName. He already vetoed Stephen Colbert OurLastName, so I'm doubting it, but this article makes it totally worth the try. ;)

Kusotarre said...

I love the comments over at NP.

"Only a school teacher or welfare recipient would prefer Rae over Harris!"


deBeauxOs said...

The second part is just as delightful: "It still makes me sad sometimes that he didn't get a chance to run the federal government."

You can't invent that kind of stupid; it's born that way.

Rev.Paperboy said...

What the hell is that bit of brilliance doing in the National Post of all places?

(wv= doodshe --- is that like the female version of a ladyboy?)