This one is going to be considerably tougher since, well, it's not like it stands out as particularly deranged in a sea of, you know, indistinguishable derange. But give it a shot. And there's a link below once you just can't stand the suspense anymore.

Here you go. Now you're just slapping your forehead going, "Well, shit, of course!"
Dubai is sinking into its fake sand, I believe.
I would have guessed only by the Blogger format, but the sheer idiocy of it should have been a give-away.
I wonder if that gibbering twat actually believes half the nonsense he writes.
You know, what's always interesting is that liberals never make any form of rational argument. Instead, they insult and insinuate. I've yet to see any form of rational or coherent argument anywhere on your blog. What's even more sad is that you actually have readers that, instead of asking questions and attempting to learn, go along with the character attacks, and assume that anyone who has a differing opinion from them must be stupid.
I really feel sorry for someone who can't even see beyond their own opinion. I was like you, once, back when I was a child and thought communism was the way to go. As I learned more about the economy and politics, and came to understand history and reality, I became more and more right wing. No amount of facts I have ever learned has ever accumulated to push me to the left in any way. Now, judging by the fact that politics are my passion and I have looked at all these things from numerous different angles, I find it hard to believe that I have merely been brainwashed, considering all the lies my left wing teachers attempted to hammer into my brain, and it took very honest and caring parents to teach me to think and question. That questioning has always led me to the truth, and the truth that always reveals itself as that the left wing is consumed by hatred and envy, and has more in common with a mental disease than any form of rational thought process.
Dear Justin:
Please don't interrupt while we're laughing at you. It's rude.
Teh stupid certainly knows how to spread it around though. You have to give him credit for that.
The wealthy who benefited from 20 years of tax cuts are now the "hard working"?
And while Teh Stupid is at it, he needs to read the tax regulations on Americans who move off shore. Yes, the rich can move to Dubai but the IRS still forces them to file tax returns and pay as long as they remain U.S. citizens.
One suspects that Justin has an image of Joe Sixpack, coming home from a hard day on the assembly line and blurting out, "That's it, I've had enough of Obama's economic stimulus! Pack up the wagon, Marge, we're moving to Dubai, goddamit!"
Yes, Justin, that'll happen. Real soon now.
Wasn't the United States founded on a desire to live in freedom, instead of living under an a monarchy?
For those traitors who think living under and absolute monarchy is fine, let them move to Dubai. Freedom has a cost, if you don't want to pay it, go live in someplace where the people are not really free, such as Dubai.
"liberals never make any form of rational argument?"
fuck your mamma.
"I was like you, once, back when I was a child and thought communism was the way to go."
we were never alike, teh stupid, because i never thought communism was the way to go.
We don't debate or discuss matters with you for the very same reason we don't discuss "the Scientific Method" with people who believe that Intelligent Design is an actual Scientific Theory. There is no point.
We mock you and make fun of you because it is all you good for, sorry but that is reality. People like yourself who do not understand jack shit about Science, Economics and reality are not worth our time, other than for us to laugh at.
While I am sure you might find some people who are willing to "debate" you, we have given up on trying to teach the willing ignorant.
Mockery, is all time we have you, and CC just happens to it the best.
Actually Zorpheus, I usually try to debate people like this when they come here, though I haven't engaged Justin in this instance, other than to point out Dubai is an absolute monarchy.
If democracy is not a requirement, there are many splendid places you can live if you are rich. Myself, I think I'd pick Red China over Dubai, if I was someone like Justin who thinks moving to a non-democracy is just fine.
But I'm sure he would consider me to have no rational argument, since I am disagreeing with him. If I was agreeing and saying go to China instead, that would be still a rational argument, since that would be agreeing with the premise and simply arguing details.
Instead, he would also consider me to be "insulting", the prima facie evidence being that I am disagreeing with his premise. Then, by suggesting as a logical conclusion that he thinks it is fine to move to a non-democracy, he would consider me to be "insinuating".
I suspect him to be someone who defines "rational argument" as meaning "an argument that basically agrees with my views and differs in the details". An argument that disagrees with his views is therefore not rational.
If one is easily offended, and cannot accept that other people could have valid points of view, then anyone disagreeing must be wrong, and knows it, and therefore is being insulting.
I love the way Justin bemoans the lack of "rational arguments" when, only a few days ago, he wrote a post defending the right for atheists to get their ads on buses with the title, "Let them post their lies. I don't care."
So, Justin, is that your idea of "rational argument?" Simply dismissing someone else's position as "lies?" I'm pretty sure describing that as "rational" is being overly generous, wouldn't you say?
"I've yet to see any form of rational or coherent argument anywhere on your blog. "
Is Justin of low intelligence, incapable of reading more than 4 posts, or a liar.
All of the above is a valid answer.
all of the above -- and he can't spell!
Well to be honest, CC does spend a great deal of time simply mocking them,... After all, when you try to debate people who want to think that Intelligent Design is valid Scientific theory there just isn't any point.
Mockery is the only thing left.
And CC is the King of Mockery.
I come here for the witty debates, but I stay for the vicious mockery of the idiots.
I want to see a rhetorical cage match between Patrick and Justin. Any ideas on how we could make that happen, folks? It would be massively entertaining I’m sure.
Me, I think we should debate with Justin. I debate with my cocker spaniel all the time. I never get anywhere, but at least he listens.
Wow. You people seriously believe your own nonsense?
The entire point of the political process is to prove one opinion on how the country should be run is better than another. But, like a child who couldn't win in a foot race, rather than try to do better, you mock the other person's intelligence, rather than attempt to see where you might improve.
Its interesting. You view your opinions as so holier than thou, you don't even consider the possibility you might be wrong. That is why you mock, rather than debate. Mocking is a tactic of someone who has no argument, not of someone who has a superior argument. By stating that mockery is the only thing left, you openly state that you do not believe any opinion other than your own is worth contemplating. Meanwhile, I have contemplated every aspect of the political spectrum before landing on the far right. The ones who show ignorance are the ones who have not contemplated the other possibilities, and have not seen what the other side actually believes. You all naively believe that your way of governance is the only possible, and that no other could possibly work.
Every time I find something new, I look at it rationally, based on known facts and human nature. But, when I come across left wing blogs, rather than find anything to absorb and process, I find children calling people who disagree with them "stupid-heads".
The fact that you believe your actions are anything but childish shows just how childish you are. On right hand, we have people who say their piece and challenge others to prove them wrong. On the left hand, we have people who assume everyone else is wrong, and mock those who do not agree with them.
This just about meets the description of a person with Megalomania.
"Megalomania (from the Greek word μεγαλομανία) is a historical term for behavior characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, genius, or omnipotence — often generally termed as delusions of grandeur or grandiose delusions."
Justin complains:
"you don't even consider the possibility you might be wrong"
Actually, Justin, we do consider the possibility we might be wrong; we just don't consider the possibility you might be right.
What started this thread was a BT screed that went like this:
"Say hello to the USSA.
"This year's budget deficit in the USA will be a record shattering $1.75 trillion. To try to pay it off, Obama plans on taxing the hard working to death, in hopes that they won't throw their hands in the air, do some quick bank transfers, and retire in Dubai without paying a penny in taxes, all the while shutting down their companies, destroying millions of jobs, and leaving America in ruins.
"That is exactly what will happen if Obama keeps this up."
The outrage of the Obama budget is not that he wants to tax the "hard working" but that he wants to shift the tax burden from those making less than $250K to those making more. Furthermore, he wants to eliminate tax incentives to shut down American companies to shift the work to low wage countries.
The funny thing about George W. Bush is that he created more jobs than any American president in history. The reason the mass media didn't notice was that the jobs Bush created were in places like China, India and Latin American, south of Mexico.
The way things stand in the US today, working people can't afford the cost of traveling to Dubai; nor could they afford the cost of living in Dubai if they could get there. The American dollar has lost 27% of its value since George Jr. became president.
As far as leaving America in ruins, Obama came too late to power. America is already in ruins. The GDP dropped 6.2% in the last quarter of 2008. Conservative nut cases did the deed.
The writer of the above-quoted screed is living in a fantasy world. He is as intellectually serious as the Intelligent Designers. Thats why we cannot consider the possibility he might be right.
Wow. You people seriously believe your own nonsense?
Standard right wing starting insult. Usually from one who claims to be rational, and that all others are not.
The entire point of the political process is to prove one opinion on how the country should be run is better than another.
A reasonable definition for sake of discussion.
But, like a child who couldn't win in a foot race, rather than try to do better, you mock the other person's intelligence, rather than attempt to see where you might improve.
From page 2 of the Rove handbook. Call your opponent a child, while claiming they are the ones making the ad hominem attacks.
Justin must have taken the advanced Rovian studies, no doubt from the Manning Institute, since he employs two mentions that his opponents need to "improve". I suppose one is supposed to ask how they can improve. This sort of "negging", to get someone asking how they can improve, doesn't work on most women, why should it work on political opponents?
Its interesting. You view your opinions as so holier than thou,
That is your opinion, and you seem to have a similar view of it that you are attempting to ascribe to others.
you don't even consider the possibility you might be wrong.
You seem to be projecting your own inability to see you could be wrong, as I already pointed out above.
Whenever I debate climate change, I always point out the scientists could be wrong. Never do I hear a denier make such a statement.
That is why you mock, rather than debate. Mocking is a tactic of someone who has no argument, not of someone who has a superior argument.
No, that premise is not valid. Mockery is often used with a superior argument. It is actually not very effective when one's own argument is weak. With a strong argument, mocking can provide the conclusive winning of the argument. That is because it is used when pointing the absurd logical conclusions of your opponent's argument. Case in point: you claim the rich will move to Dubai. I used mockery to express my contempt for someone who would willingly leave a democracy to live in an absolute monarchy, because under your premise, they would never be able to return to the US without being jailed. You want to live like Robert Vesco, go ahead.
By stating that mockery is the only thing left, you openly state that you do not believe any opinion other than your own is worth contemplating.
Baloney. Stating mockery is the only thing left is only done because your opinion is not worth contemplating. Your generalization may make you feel better but it is simply your opinions that, on their merits, are being mocked.
Meanwhile, I have contemplated every aspect of the political spectrum before landing on the far right.
I'll take your word for it, even though your landing point surprises me if you have contemplated every aspect.
The ones who show ignorance are the ones who have not contemplated the other possibilities, and have not seen what the other side actually believes.
True, but you are using this fact to lead to a false conclusion. In fact you yourself could be accused of this, despite your earlier statement.
You all naively believe that your way of governance is the only possible, and that no other could possibly work.
From page 3 of the Rove book, an attempt to get "equal time" for any radical view. It seems to me that the far right are the ones who most often believe other systems cannot work, and usually they question the mental capacity of anyone who doesn't agree.
Usually the so-called left are called "progressive" because they do not believe "their" system is the best but rather that it can always be improved. The critics of the left are often unhappy with the uncertainty this involves, and often characterize anyone considered left as being ditherers who keep changing their minds, as if this is a bad thing.
Every time I find something new, I look at it rationally, based on known facts and human nature.
Good for you. That is what people are supposed to do.
But, when I come across left wing blogs, rather than find anything to absorb and process, I find children calling people who disagree with them "stupid-heads".
There you go again, taking a generally true statement, then trying to use it to give your opinion a veneer of intelligence. Haven't you noticed that calling someone a name caller is also name calling?
The fact that you believe your actions are anything but childish shows just how childish you are.
Would you please turn the page in your Rove manual? You continue to play the "call your opponent a child" card. Even Karl suggests switching it up a bit.
On right hand, we have people who say their piece and challenge others to prove them wrong. On the left hand, we have people who assume everyone else is wrong, and mock those who do not agree with them.
The right wing is renowned for their black and white approach, which you have so vividly illustrated above. Your characterization of two ways of arguing as being exclusively characteristic of left or right, is not supported by any evidence.
This just about meets the description of a person with Megalomania.
Thank you for turning the page. Page 4 says "insinuate that your opponent has a psychiatric disorder". This was also a favoured method in the old Soviet Union. They filled their asylums with dissidents. Do you think that would be a good idea to deal with all the "left" here?
"Megalomania (from the Greek word μεγαλομανία) is a historical term for behavior characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, genius, or omnipotence — often generally termed as delusions of grandeur or grandiose delusions."
Appeals to authority by cutting and pasting dictionary definitions do not cut it.
So, care to debate something? Like why you think rich Americans would rather live in an absolute monarchy and never be able to return (since your premise is they abscond with their money), rather than live in the United States and enjoy living in freedom?
"You people seriously believe your own nonsense?"
says the clown who calls us communists.
what part of "fuck your mamma" did you not understand?
Perfect setup for Justin to employ selective quoting, thereby proving his dishonesty, eh KEvron?
Even bigger laugh, I just put a comment at "neo"'s and it was deleted within 10 minutes. At 12:45 in the morning. Mr. Dialup, stalking his own blog at all hours.
Now that, Justin, is true mockery. The neobonehead deletes my comments as soon as he sees them, and I just put one on there at various times of the day, to see if he is really so silly as to stalk his own blog 24/7.
What is your opinion of that, Justin? Do you think neo is being a reasonable right winger, or being a nut? For all his "free speech" talk, he deletes comments that are on topic, not swearing and sometimes even partly agreeing with him. He doesn't like having his arguments refuted and so resorts to the kind of stupid mocking you refer to. Yes, he deletes the comment, then adds one of his own claiming I said things I did not. So he's a liar as well as being unable to withstand an argument that disagrees with him.
Fuck. You guys are totally harshing my buzz to cash in my Airmiles and do that Dubai ski vacation.
Justin "The Raging Wanker" Hoffer waxes philosophical:
"You view your opinions as so holier than thou, you don't even consider the possibility you might be wrong. That is why you mock, rather than debate. Mocking is a tactic of someone who has no argument, not of someone who has a superior argument. By stating that mockery is the only thing left, you openly state that you do not believe any opinion other than your own is worth contemplating."
Um ... says the condescending wank who contemptuously, in a single title, dismissed atheism as "lies."
Justin, dude ... you are making this far too easy. No, seriously, you're making this too easy.
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