Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Name that Blogging Tory!

This morning, we're starting a new feature here at CC HQ -- Name that Blogging Tory! -- wherein we'll reproduce a snippet from a recent BT blog post and ask you to guess the author. No cheating by looking first. And here's our first contestant:

PM Harper Rocks New York!

Okay, he did it quietly, but he was awesome because he finally got his wings. He is no Obama, thank goodness, but he outshines any world leader because he actually understands the economy and can talk to us on a level we can all understand. He does not talk down to us, he explains, without bi-partisanship, what is happening not just in Canada, but globally.

Yes, Stephen Harper actually "understands the economy," which is why he assured us that we were just fine shortly before everything went to shit. But I digress -- Name that Blogging Tory!


Rev.Paperboy said...

well, without cheating by resorting to google, I'd have to guess Sandy Crux. It has the same breatheless fan-girl tone, the same functional iliteracy (How do you "Rock New York" quietly and what the hell does it mean to explain something "without bi-partisanship" -- was he speaking Ferengi?) and the same completely delusional take on events.

CC said...

That's a good guess, Rev, but no. Sandy's work would normally have a touch of the gibbering senile about it. You were devilishly close with your "fan-girl" speculation, though.

Think hard -- it'll come to you.

Red Tory said...

Rhymes with "Cunter"?

CC said...

Ding ding ding ding! We have a weiner!

PeterC said...

I especially like the identification of Harper as a partisan hack.... ie. "without bi-partisanship"

BTs, without clue....

Red Tory said...

"It bothers me that other nations look up the PM Harper, yet our own media is so biased against him that all they do is spew venom DAILY."

Could she at least provide an example?

She's so full of it.

Southern Quebec said...

Hunter never, ever, backs up stupid statements!

Ti-Guy said...

I couldn't possibly have guessed correctly. There are only three or four who have recognisably distinct styles; the rest all sound the same to me.

Anonymous said...

I'll leave this here. I posted it on Hunter's blog too but I'll be shocked if it actually shows up in the comments box.

I find it hilarious - look at the transcript of what Harper said to the nice Republican reporter lady on Fox, Here's a portion (ht to impolitical):

"We should be able to do that and emerge back in the surplus in about four years' time so we haven't got a structural deficit problem which which isn't a pretty good. Financial even running a budget certainly been -- budget surplus for over a decade for over a decade. And we're in a position to return to surpluses and as the recession is over -- obviously."

Well, my point was to Hunter and is still if this is how PMSH explains what is happening not just in Canada but globally without bi-[sic]partisanship ....there is absolutely no talking down required.It sounds like mumbling and it reads semiliterate at best.

CC said...

I didn't bother watching that video, but did Il Douche actually brag about Canada running a budget surplus for over a decade?!?!

Did he seriously just take credit for years of Liberal fiscal management? What a cocksucker.

Anonymous said...

sucks with mendacity

Niles said...

"...he finally got his wings..."

er..what? He's George the apprentice angel from 'It's a Wonderful Life'?

Or is this code for FOX appearances? Does that make him a real boy?

liberal supporter said...

Well they claimed "The Picture", (about which the BTs are still frothing), was for Iggy to scout out new jobs after he loses the next election. I suppose they would think that, such contingencies being top of mind and all (for Harper), because I can't really see why Harper went on this junket otherwise.

liberal supporter said...

Forgot to mention, I was quite sure that was hunter too. The giveaway is the over the top near-deification of Harper. What makes that funny is at the same time using religious metaphors for Obama and anything to do with climate change.

She has mentioned her parents always vote Liberal, even though they live in Alberta too. She always seems more ballistic after a weekend, which would likely involve visiting with parents. So I think her blog very much reflects that family dynamic.

Probably she feels she can't rant as much as she'd like around her parents, and no matter how much she hectors them, they won't budge. Plus if she has siblings, she would feel inhibited from constant political fighting because her parents will step in.

She mimics that by having a moderated blog, where she can rant all she wants and smirk and go "HA!". Then in the comments, we see folks like EofE who insult and sneer at any dissenters, but replies to said person are never published, supposedly because she doesn't allow commenters to attack each other. Just like in her family, she can't attack the rest of the family, while they can. I think mostly they would piss her off by being nice. They would pat her on the head and tell her to run along and play with the other fright wing brats.

And they're still seething over The Picture.

KEvron said...

okay, which one of you clowns is hunter?! either that, or hunter is jailbait.

fucking poe's law....
