Friday, December 01, 2006

We're not obsessive-compulsive, we're just determined.

Apparently, nothing will get in the way of the wankersphere getting to the bottom of this "Six Sunnis burned alive" left-wing, sensationalistic, anti-American, troop-hating propaganda coming out of Iraq.

The rumour exists that, once upon a time, that same wankersphere was going to channel its awe-inspiring investigative powers of sleuthing into locating Saddam Hussein's mysterious weapons of mass destruction but, sadly, that turned out to be ... um ... you know ... hard.

STUNNINGLY BRILLIANT AFTERTHOUGHT: It occurs to me that, if the residents of CSI: Bloggerville are so thoroughly disgusted with the "liberal bias" of the mainstream media, then the obvious solution would be to organize, and create perhaps a blog-based, right-wing journalistic alternative that would be their shining light of truth, and reason, and ... and ... um ... actually, they kind of tried that already, didn't they? I don't think history is going to look kindly on that little experiment.

The phrase that leaps to mind is "licking your wounds and going home."


Anonymous said...

That beggars belief.

The sheer pointlessness of their obsession after all.

Mutilated bodies are turning up in scores, DAILY, in Bagdhad, and they've decided to fixate on one particular incident that they've (groundlessly, nay - falsely) decided is bogus, as if to prove "media bias."

They are standard-issue holocaust deniers. That's what they are.

Holocaust deniers don't write their filth because they're "evil." They write it because they believe entirely in what their side does, and they automatically discount anything critical. And they lose all sense of proportion and reality.

Holocaust deniers.

Anonymous said...

KKKate refers to Michelle Malkin's "link rich" post. What does that mean exactly? Is that supposed to be significant in and of itself?

She's amazing. I swear, the Third Reich couldn't have come up with a better propagandist.

Anonymous said...

posted on KKKate's site by moi:


"BG Abdul-Kareem, the Ministry of Interior Spokesman"

is that your only source? Seriously? You stupid morons.

This was pretty rich - from Michelle Stupidkin's blog:

"The AP reported on Sept. 26 that a Washington-based firm, the Lincoln Group, had won a two-year contract to monitor reporting on the Iraq conflict in English-language and Arabic media outlets.

That contract succeeded one held by another Washington firm, The Rendon Group. Controversy had arisen around the Lincoln Group in 2005 when it was disclosed that it was part of a U.S. military operation to pay Iraqi newspapers to run positive stories about U.S. military activities."

To which Michelle stupidly, brazenly replies:

"What the hell does this have to do with anything? Are they insinuating that independent blogs have been in touch with this Lincoln Group thing? What is the proof of that? Are they insinuating that Curt at Flopping Aces (and all the bloggers that followed up) didn't independently come up with questions about the AP's Burning Six Sunnis report and other reports using sources called into question by the military?

If AP isn't making such insinuations, why was the reference included in the story?"

The point, you imbecile, is that the US gov't and the US military has a track record of dishonesty, up to and including blatant planting of propaganda and lies implemented under contractors like the Lincoln Group.

So they have NO CREDIBILITY when it comes to doubting anyone else. You, Malkin, have no credibility. You Kate, have no credibility.

What is the point of this stupidity of yours?

Death squads are running rampant through Iraq. Murders, rapes, mutilations, mass graves, ... it's all a daily tragedy.

And you shameless pukes, who cheerleaded this atrocity, who believed every clumsy lie told by the bush II regime and its supporters, ... have latched onto one arbitrary incident, pronounced it false when it's true, ... in some sort of bizarre, insane, desire, to do what exactly???

To assert that Iraq has not become a charnel house thanks to your dear leader's policies?

To hades with you, you human garbage. To hades with you, now and forever.

Anonymous said...

Well, I've witnessed it...

Posted by: thwap at December 1, 2006 12:14 PM

Now, let's see how long it takes KKKate to delete it. You weren't particularly deferential to Frau McMillan, and somewhat uncivil, and you know how that nazi harridan uses that to "disappear" direct challenges to her lies.

She could redeem herself by answering your question honestly...What is she trying to do?

I asked her that years ago; never really got a compelling answer. I suspect "holocaust denial" is in fact, the truth.