Thursday, December 07, 2006

People who just don't freaking get it.

As we have already established, conservatives don't have a sense of humour. Or irony. Or anything else for that matter.


Anonymous said...

One day, I'll find out whether these conserva-cretins on the internet are just pretending not to get satire just to make some lame political jab, or if they're being serious. I know of no conservative in real life who would fail to get that joke or try to imply that it is the thing it's parodying. Then again, the conservatives I know aren't retarded.

Anonymous said...

"Or anything else"

Not so -- they have a finely developed sense of fake outrage.

Anonymous said...

I think that's a big difference, ti-guy. The ones who tend to make the biggest splash appear to be the stupidest ones. The ones with brains manage to stay quiet and not make loud, public fools of themselves.

¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

For me the question goes way past this. Do these people for example actually believe that Canada is in grave danger of a terrorist attack, and if so, that what we're doing in Afghanistan really is helping? Seriously? I can't fathom that many people would truly believe this. Do conservatives believe that we're seeing Harper's true colours right now, and not that he's been campaigning continously since January 23? Bush is not a spectacular liar? The last few US elections have resulted in proper vote counts? SSM threatens our way of life? Somebody stop me. Are there many people who earnestly believe these things?