Saturday, December 09, 2006

Don't be counting them homo chickens yet.

If I were you, I wouldn't be assuming that the same-sex marriage issue in Canada is totally dead. From the Grope and Flail:

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has declared the contentious issue of same-sex marriage to be permanently closed.

After a Conservative motion calling on the government to restore the traditional definition of marriage was defeated yesterday by a resounding 175 to 123, Mr. Harper said he will not bring the matter back before Parliament.

Excellent. It's dead. It's an ex-issue. It's pushing up daisies. Um ... hang on (emphasis added):

"I don't see reopening this question in the future," he told reporters who asked whether same-sex marriage would return to the table if the Conservatives won a majority government.

Nor does he intend
to introduce a "defence of religions" act to allow public officials, such as justices of the peace, to refuse to perform same-sex marriages.

"Don't see?" Doesn't "intend?" Sorry, but those are disturbingly weaselly choices of words and, as we've seen before, the Cons aren't particularly known for keeping their promises.


Anonymous said...

There's also the fact that the religious wingnuts will never stop fighting equal marriage. They are convinced that God abhors equal marriage, so they'll fight it as long as they are fundies.

It won't surprise me if, in future, they get violent at same-sex weddings, since they haven't managed to forbid them legislatively. I can see them at least picketing the weddings, if not more.

No, we'll never stop having to defend equal marriage. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

We'll never have to stop defending civil rights and equality before the law, that's for sure. But civil marriage? I don't think so. In two weeks, it'll all be forgotten, and the fundies can start clueing into the fact that the state of their own crappy marriages is the result of something else.

Anonymous said...

Well, that didn't take long...

Kitchener-Conestoga Conservative MP Harold Albrecht says he’s disappointed the motion to re-open the traditional marriage question has been defeated, but he’s not surprised.

"If this issue comes up in the future, we can deal with it then."