Thursday, January 15, 2009

How can we miss you if you won't go away?

Dear President Fratboy McFlightsuit:

Would you please shut the fuck up and go away? Your reign of error is in its last throes and, as usual, you’re the only one who seems to be incapable of understanding your astonishing irrelevance. Colour me so not shocked.

No, really.

Disdainfully yours,

P.S. Pretzel?


sooey said...

Ouch, baby.

thwap said...


Some prog sites are all abuzz, trying to locate some pathetic amount of retribution for his zillion crimes, or finding the last of his bush-isms or continued inability to admit he was a monumental failure.

But I just want him gone.

Romantic Heretic said...

Sigh. The brainless moron just couldn't go quietly, could he?

Ti-Guy said...

Some prog sites are all abuzz, trying to locate some pathetic amount of retribution for his zillion crimes...

Really? Which ones, Thwap?

Frank Frink said...

Yep. Too stupid to know when to just slither off quietly and under cover of darkness.

Anonymous said...

Too stupid to know when to just slither off quietly and under cover of darkness...

And unfortunately, get away with needlessly invading a country and destroying his own while he's at it. Very interesting indeed how history will judge this complete waste of skin.

Chimera said...

"...including every person waiting to be born..."

Message for the soon-to-be-Burning Bush: Uh-uh. Not gonna fly with me, Bubba. Anything "waiting to be born" is simply not yet a person.

My religion says so. And you already declared "Freedom of Religion Day" to be two days before your precious fetus day. I don't think you can have both at the same time...

KEvron said...

close enough now to count in hours.

i'm gonna get me a new avatar to wear to the e-nauguration!


Southern Quebec said...

Even Nixon knew when to leave!

thwap said...


"Crooks and Liars" recently had a pathetic entry about how the bush II regime insisted on reservations for seats at dubya's last press conference, and no matter who you were, you'd have to stand if you didn't reserve a seat. The joke being that there were more chairs than reporters who showed up so they filled the last two rows with Whitehouse interns.

And I was thinking: "This guy should be tried for treason, who cares if the useless WHPC snubbed his last conference?"