Wednesday, September 01, 2021

The burning stupid of "Tomorrow Belongs To Me" Boy.

Here's white nationalist memorabilia expert Keean Bexte, just being a grievance factory:


Actually, I'm going to guess that Bexte was told to fuck right off for a much more basic reason -- as he's no longer affiliated with Rebel News, he can most accurately now be described as "some racist asshole with a vanity blog," and I'm pretty sure they're looking for more qualifications than that. But the whiny-ass stupid continues:

This in no way curtails Bexte's "freedom of expression," as he is free to write whatever worthless, racist slop he wants -- he's simply being told that he is not entitled to the privileges that are typically accorded to actual journalists who do journalism. What's the problem?

As for all those tough questions that Bexte claims to come loaded with, well, let's remember what happened last time:

Yes ... in the midst of another wave of deadly COVID-19, we can rest assured that Bexte would insist on asking about Trudeau wearing blackface decades ago in a high school play because that's the issue front of mind for someone currently on a ventilator in some ICU struggling painfully for each breath. Oh, and you'll never guess what happens next:

The grift is strong with this one ... learned well from his former master he has.

We're not done here.


MgS said...

I would happily point out that The Rebel is basically Ezra’s vanity blog - in no way is it journalism, even if it styles itself as such.

Anonymous said...

I recall one example of Keean's "coverage" in which he positioned himself inside an RCMP perimeter where Trudeau was expected to pass. When asked by the cops, he claimed to be a "journalist", but refused to show any accreditation. He also refused to let them look inside a large equipment bag he was hauling. When told very politely by the cops that he would have to move to the other side of the police line, he called Ezra, who he claimed was his "lawyer"; Ezra pulled his smarmiest "I'm going to insult you until you give me a good tantrum on camera" shtick with the cop, who remained impressively imperturbable (and slightly amused", and ultimately shunted Bexte out of the secure zone.
The kid's a blogger with some serious delusions.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me you have the video link