Thursday, September 23, 2021


Here's pure human garbage Sheila Gunn Reid, whining pathetically about how Albertans just want the government to leave them alone to spew a deadly virus among their neighbours:


And here's Alberta, currently begging the federal government for help:

So, fuck you, Sheila, you plague-friendly piece of trash.


Ramirezplayer said...

I really hope Sheila isn't vaxxed.

thwap said...

Thoughts of stephen harper's "Firewall Manifesto" come to mind.

It's really astonishing, even frightening, the levels of delusion and stupidity being exhibited here. Kenney was abusing his provincial healthcare workers before the pandemic started, continues to do so as it rages, and has legislated as if he wants to believe it's all a hoax but is dimly aware that it isn't.