Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Chronicles of Twatrick: The cost of collection.

As if Patrick Ross didn't have enough worries regarding the $115,000 he owes me, there is one other amusing issue related to all of this that I think you will find entertaining -- I am reporting this from memory, so it's entirely possible I got it wrong.

As I recall, as soon as the appeal period expires (three days from now), I will be free to register my judgment in Saskatchewan, and start collection proceedings. If memory serves, when I file to kick off the collection, I have to put up some cash -- it's to compensate the Saskatchewan sheriffs for their time, and I seem to recall it was in the neighbourhood of a few thousand dollars.

However, even though I am the one who needs to front that money, that amount is immediately added to what Patrick Ross owes me. So you are invited to be amused by the fact that, the instant I file to begin collection, what Patrick owes me goes up by that few thousand dollars (or whatever it is).

Pursuant to the above, I think we can all admit that this is a tweet that did not age well:

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