Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Ezra brings the "batshit fucking crazy tour" to Toronto.

Oh, man, this is going to be epic:

I say that because Tucker's latest bout of lunacy involves accusing the Biden administration of enforcing a vaccine mandate on the military in order to (wait for it ... wait for it ...) get rid of Christians:

I pity the fools who are paying the full $121.02 to listen to that.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, GOD ... let Carlson convince loyal Rebel News viewers and followers to ingest horse dewormer, and I will never ask for anything again:

BY THE WAY, is it worth trying to explain to anyone that's paying to listen to Tucker Carlson that his (successful) defense in a defamation action was that he is such an obvious and egregious liar that no reasonable person should be expected to take him seriously?

I suspect such warnings will fall on deaf ears.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to note that after failing to secure multiple high profile venues, Ezra has been forced back to squatting in the gym at the "Christian College" operated by the pudgy and odious paleo-Christian Islamophobe, homophobe and sciencephobe "Dr." Charles McVety. Carslon, of course, is literally dialing it in; he'll be there via Zoom. Yes, I'd pay $120 bucks to see Carslon on TV spewing conspiracy theories. Oh, wait...can't I get that for free every day of the week on Fox?