Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Dear pols: Enough with the "fighting" bullshit. Just knock it off.

In the midst of a whole lot of things that annoy the shit out of me regarding current pol-speak, I am seriously tired of the constant reference to "fighting": "We'll fight for you, we're fighting for you, we'll never stop fighting for you ... blah blah blah."  (I'm looking at you, Jagmeet.)


Just stop.

Ironically, the only party leader who can legitimately claim he "fought" for you was Justin Trudeau:

So either lace 'em up and get in the ring, or knock it off. Really, it's getting tiring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Commented pretty much the same thing: Both the NDP and Cons are "fighting" instead of leading.

Then they will complain of "divisive" politics... The only party that tried to govern seems to be the Liberals. The others are campaigning.

We saw and heard that O'Fool is already campaigning in his defeat speech last evening. Expect the HoC to continue to be toxic.
At this point, if I were Trudeau, I'd say "Fuck it".