Wednesday, September 22, 2021


Well, you knew it had to happen ... ex-Rebeler and white nationalist Keean Bexte teaming up with ex-Rebeler and white nationalist and trash human being Lauren Southern to mock hundreds of dead First Nations children:

You remember Lauren Southern, right?

I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the most worthless, racist, intolerant bigots on the planet once used to work for Ezra Levant.


Anonymous said...

This is an interesting development since it seems to represent a race to the bottom to see which horrible right-wing media outlet can most appeal to the absolute worst in Canadian racism and bigotry and try and lock up that market.

As bad as Rebel News is, I don't think they would have gone down the road of just making fun of FN mass graves, so I think Nazi Caillou sees an unexploited market that everyone else is just not prepared to go after. He could be right, there might be enough of a market there to keep him in business for years.

MgS said...

@Anonymous - 8:56AM: Only in Alaberta.

Anonymous said...

Wow. From cruising the alt-right stratosphere with superstar bigots like Gavin McInnis and Richard Spencer to narrating (badly) home made "documentaries" with Keean Bexte?? That's a pretty tragic career arc for Laura Southern.