Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Being pro-child is context-dependent.

Blogging Tory "Raphael Alexander" once again makes it clear that he's not a real big fan of the brown people as he and some of his commenters get all panty-bunchy about the use of children as human shields. Here's commenter "Anne in swON":

The use of children on the front lines of a surging tide of protestors is deplorable. It certainly adds credence to the often-mentioned tactic used by the Tamils in Sri Lanka of using children as human shields.

In other news that you will never, ever, ever hear from a Blogging Tory ...


Ti-Guy said...

It seem to be wingnut received wisdom that whenever brown children are slaughtered in a military action, it's becaue their parents were using them as human shields.

liberal supporter said...

I can't remember the last time an anti-choice streetside rally did not include children, usually forced to carry signs with abortion porn pictures.

Usually the children are right on the curb so they would be the first to be hit if any vehicle hits them.

Bismark said...

Um, Teabaggers anybody? I seem to recall that numerous children (and babies) were routinely drummed into service as props carrying signs such as "Don't Mortgage My Future!" and so on. But of course, that's different. ;)

Good grief, people like RA and his racist rabble are dumb as rocks.

M@ said...

Uh huh. And the Bosche were well-known for making nuns run across minefields.

Also, Iraqi soldiers threw Kuwaiti babies out of the incubators in 1990. It's a well-known fact.

Bismark said...

The Bosche... LOL

Lindsay Stewart said...

human shields? i guess that would be a shield against the righteous anger and violent wrath of mostly white commuters and the almost inevitable occurrence of police violence in the face of civil disobedience. more tasers, stat!

ruffles is just ticked that him and his white power cohorts were prevented from getting a clear shot.

Dave said...

ruffles is just ticked that him and his white power cohorts were prevented from getting a clear shot.Hmmm... only in a vicarious sense. If you catch my drift.