Monday, November 06, 2006

Rats. Ship. Glub, glub, glub ...

Attack! Attack! Run away! Run away!

Apparently, the new catchphrase among American neo-con hacks is, "Hey, I had nothing to do with that." Note here how right-wing douchebag Richard Perle wants a do-over with respect to his interview with Vanity Fair, and how he suggests that all of those clusterfuck-level mistakes "were not made by neoconservatives, who had almost no voice in what happened, and certainly almost no voice in what happened after the downfall of the regime in Baghdad." Of course not -- it was all the evil clusterfuck fairies.

And then there's Michael Ledeen, with his best "Hey, that wasn't me, that was my evil twin, Skippy!"

George? George who?

BONUS TRACK: Well, you just knew Glenn Greenwald would be all over this like a Republican on a cheap hooker.

ARRRRRRR, MATEY! Captain "Special" Ed takes his place in line to complain about the liberal bias known as "reality."


Scotian said...

Right, the neocons had no control, no actual impact in how this war was waged. Oh wait, what about (Vice)President Cheney? After all he is one of the more well known neoconservatives; it was he that selected the neocons that served in this Administration (from Rummy to Pearle himself among others) from its birth to well after the Iraq war was launched. Not to mention set up the Office of Special Plans which was loaded with neocons and was used to stovepipe intelligence that suited the Administration/neocon claim of "immediate" (and all the other words that mean imminent without using imminent) threat posed by Saddam that had been dismissed as not credible by real intelligence professionals. So the idea that neocons had nothing to do with the poor execution of this war is laughable and it is clearly as the great Canadian Cynic said rats fleeing a sinking ship and trying to not get soaked by the waters in the process that are sinking the ship.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wondered if destroying Iraq and creating a mess wasn't what they were intending all along.

A fractured, sectarian/ethnically-divided state, would be weak, weaken Arab nationalism, and would provide an excuse to perpetuate US military presence. Plus, oil sabotage would make sure that the price of Texas oil (a major bush II constituency) would stay high.

But these craven, stupid, shameful lies from Perle, Ledeen, and others, lead one to believe that they didn't intend this.

That Cheney and Rumsfeld really are the ham-fisted, bullying incompetents that they appear to be.