Saturday, December 02, 2006

Promises, promises.

It's amusing (in a "Oh, yawn, this is getting tediously repetitive" kind of way) to watch Canada's wankers twist themselves into implausible shapes defending PM Stephen Harper's re-opening the same-sex marriage debate after having broken his promise regarding income trusts, as we can see in Anonymous's comment back here:

The SSM promise is being kept because it can be. The income trusts promise could not be kept because it couldn't be without running a massive deficit or hiking personal taxes. I fully agree he shouldn't have made the promise (as I said) but he was in a tight political spot during the campaign so he made the promise. Now he's paying whatever price that broken promise brings, which seems small based upon the polls.

Now, beyond the superficial level where one can criticize Harper and the CPoC government for their double standard and hypocrisy, note what's actually going on here.

Regarding SSM, we are apparently supposed to appreciate that, even though Harper himself is fine with the status quo, well, he made a promise and it's important to keep one's promises, right? On the other hand, when it comes to income trusts, well, sure, PMS made a promise, but it turns out that that was a really, really stupid promise, which gives him the right to break it. All of the above puts the wanker in a deliciously win-win situation.

See, when PMS vows to still hold a free vote on SSM, he should be admired for sticking to his guns, for being a straight shooter, for honouring his word and so on, because that's what it means to have integrity and accountability.

On the other hand, when PMS breaks his promise regarding income trusts, well, that's because it was a stupid promise to make in the first place and it would have been bad for the country, therefore PMS should be admired for selflessly doing the right thing, regardless of the political price he would pay, but that just makes PMS the bigger man, knowing when to put the country's interests ahead of his own and what a fucking stud, eh? In short, PMS can do no wrong, which should inspire in all of us absolutely Adam Daifallah-like levels of unbounded, sycophantic worship.

Or I could have saved myself all this typing and summarized Wankerville North in 44 seconds:

Yeah, that was definitely easier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The problem we currently have down south is that Dear Leader, who learned what he knows about politics, government and foreign policy by listening to his own speeches, keeps the promises he makes on the cmpaign trial. Most Repoublicans have been able to tell the difference between what works on the campaign trial and what works in government. You should be thankful that Stephen has the sense not to do the all those things he he would do, just said to get elected.