Saturday, December 04, 2021

Coming soon to a car wash bargain bin near you ...

Anonymous informant points out that while Ezra Levant's most recent "Freedomish Libertitude Stop Taking Vaccines and Let Your Kids Die But Send Me Your RRSP" Rally charged 20 bucks, the next one is available for the low, low, low, low, low, low price of just five (plus HST):

I can only assume Sheila Gunn Reid will be working the crowd with her fried chicken bucket to make up the shortfall:

I'm sure attendees will be eligible for a charitable tax receipt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They’ve just added new talent! There will now be special guest appearances by Krista Haynes (Doug Ford’s sweaty Exercycle anti-van hysterical daughter), her husband Dave (Toronto cop of no conceivable interest to anyone), and “Dr” Charles McVety (professional hater of Muslims, immigrants, the LGBT community and vaccines). That should drive the price down by a couple of bucks.
You’ll note that Ezra seems to giving this one a miss. Not sure whether it’s his long string of disastrous losses in court or simply boredom and exhaustion, but he’s been less and less visible at the Rebel over recent months; and when he does appear he’s tired, unfocused, rambling, and angry.
If I were betting, I’d guess he’s trying to exit the Rebel, “rebranding” it with younger faces who’s natural mode of expression is sneers on Twitter, and getting ready to jump to a Board, advisory or executive role within the “Democracy Fund”, leaving Sheila as the face of the Rebel.