Saturday, December 18, 2021

The despicable hypocrisy that is Sheila Gunn Reid.

Here's Rebel News' "chief reporter" and perpetual embarrassment to her children Sheila Gunn Reid, pissing blood and Coors Lite in outrage over one of her similarly worthless co-workers getting slapped around:

Ironically, here's Sheila's colleague at Der Rebel, Avi Yemini, who savagely assaulted his ex-wife with a chopping board,

an incident that Sheila has not criticized Yemini for, ever, even mildly, suggesting Sheila is totally fine with her own co-workers beating the shit out of women.

When it comes to selective fake outrage over assault, Sheila, you might want to sit this one out.

P.S. Hilariously, the convenient video footage related to this idiocy shows Menzies struggling with, resisting, berating and eventually assaulting the RCMP. I'm pretty sure he had this coming.

P.P.S. Predictably, the Rebel video footage of this incident has clearly been edited, as you can see the obvious jumps in continuity where one suspects Menzies' typical assholish behaviour is what instigated the whole thing, but all you're allowed to watch is the aftermath with Menzies playing the victim.

It has always been thus.

P.P.P.S. Oh, man, this is 15 seconds of David Menzies at his finest. That's just epic, isn't it?

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