Monday, December 06, 2021

Dr. Julie Ponesse: Ethics professor with no ethics.

One of the blathering gasbags at Ezra Levant's upcoming Christian Freedompalooza is one Dr. Julie Ponesse, who was canned from Western University (formerly UWO) for refusing to protect her students or co-workers from a deadly virus by getting vaccinated. It's also possible she was fired for simply having no ethics to speak of, as I submit a snippet from a recent (sponsored) e-mail from Ponesse, pimping her upcoming pimpery at Ezra's Dec. 6 dork-and-pony show:

Um ... Julie, sweetie ... those sleazy, professional grifters were not fined or arrested for simply "holding services"; they were "persecuted" for refusing to obey sane and reasonable public health regulations regarding masks and social distancing.

Now, the above disinformation is the sort of rancid dishonesty I expect from, you know, David Menzies, or Sheila Gunn Reid, or that terminally air-headed dimbulb Drea Humphrey. But Ponesse was a fucking professor of ethics, suggesting she should have at least slightly higher standards in terms of not being -- what's the phrase I'm looking for? -- a pathological liar.

For Ponesse to so brutally misrepresent what happened is pretty staggering for someone who, quite literally, made a living lecturing others on how to behave ethically.

The mind reels. It truly does.

P.S. If anyone is willing to part with the five dollars needed to attend that right-wing wankfest and is willing to live tweet/stream in some way, leave a note in the comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It should be noted that Ponesse has moved smoothly from her job as disgraced former ethicist to a paid position as "Pandemic Ethics Scholar" with the Democracy fund, which nicely closes a gap in Ezra's tight loop of self-promoting/self funding organizations.