Saturday, December 04, 2021

The tanking embarrassment that is Ezra Levant's "Christian Freedom Rally."

In the beginning, Ezra Levant's Dec. 6 rally to benefit money-hungry Christian pastors featured one Glenn Beck, whose primary claim to fame was that he could sob inconsolably on demand in the face of the mildest criticism. Sadly, Beck apparently twigged to the spectacular fucktardery he was getting into bed with, and high-tailed it in the other direction.

Enter his replacement, John Stossel, a decidedly C-list media personality who makes Geraldo Rivera look positively cerebral. Again, sadly, Stossel had the same epiphany as Beck, and fucked off to avoid the deranged stupidity that is Rebel News and its hangers-on. And where does that leave us now? Jesus fuck ...

As even the most dim-witted can appreciate, Ezra's vaunted rally for religious freedom has devolved into a collection of Canada's most notorious grifters, sleazebags and moochers. Gone are Beck and Stossel, replaced by a couple of pandering religious beggars (only one of those three appearing in actual person, the other two undoubtedly phoning it in while not wearing pants), the whole group fronted by the intellectually-damaged ethics professor Dr. Julie Ponesse, and all of it guided by Canada's most unaccomplished bureau chief and serial prevaricator, Sheila Gunn Reid.

And if that's not enough to get you to part with your fiver, well, have we got some special guests for you:

I am not making this up ... people are actually going to shell out real cash to listen to Doug Ford's daughter's husband. I'm not sure how this can get any funnier but, in all of the above, notice whose name is oddly missing?


That's right; it would appear that organizer Ezra Levant is so utterly uninterested in his own events that he's more than happy to stay home and have Sheila run the show, which will almost certainly involve a fried chicken bucket being passed from hand to hand, and countless pleas for contributions.

I have little interest in subjecting myself to the rancid stupidity of any of those yobs, but if anyone wants to pony up a few bucks and live-tweet the festivities, that would be just ducky.

I recommend Gravol.


Anonymous said...

I believe the November 17th did occur, with Stossel.

This is a new one they're presenting .

CC said...

I knew there was an earlier one. I could conceivably be wrong about Stossel, but there's no question this is a lineup of purely G-list "celebrities."

Anonymous said...

There's an interesting closed loop here. All of these scam artist pastors would be total nobodies, except for Rebel News having promoted them month after month. So now that they have at least a little fame, Rebel turns around and uses them to promote a fundraising rally. If it wasn't for Rebel, no one would know who these crooks were, or give a shit about any rally with them.

MgS said...

"G-List" as in "List of Grifters"?