Sunday, December 19, 2021

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary!

It is now exactly four months to the day since the ruling that registered my 2010 defamation judgment against Patrick Ross in Saskatchewan, and increased the interest rate on the outstanding amount from two per cent to five percent:

Loyal readers are invited to do the math.

P.S. The previously-seized $7,500 has no effect on the above, as that money was collected pursuant to long-outstanding cost awards, and have nothing to do with the amount of the judgment, which is now at the front of the line with respect to Saskatchewan sheriffs' to-do list.

I look forward to a green Christmas.


RossOwesDay said...

Has the $7500 been deposited in your bank account, or have the Saskatchewan sheriffs merely 'seized' it at this point?

It's still baffling as to how Twatrick would have $7500 in his bank account. Like, how would he achieve that kind of liquidity with low-paying jobs and expensive fast food diet? Why would he leave that cash vulnerable to seizure knowing that you're on the prowl?

CC said...

@ROD: The money is still in the custody of Saskatchewan sheriffs; I've been told it should be turned over in the near future.

As for why or how Patrick had that much cash lying around in his account, I have a pretty good idea but I'm keeping that to myself for the time being.