Monday, September 20, 2021

The Chronicles of Twatrick: $118,000 and counting.

So unless there was a last-minute appeal filed before the end of Friday, it would appear that it is time to crank up the collection proceedings against Lloydminster's Patrick "Thunderbolt Quintuple Threat Kid Cash Outlaw Tory Dragon Fire Ideas Nexus of Assholery" Ross who, over a decade ago, was found by Ontario Superior Court to have defamed me maliciously, after which he spent the next several years running, hiding, being found in contempt by the Court, filing for bankruptcy, being refused an absolute discharge (while being described by the Court as "reprehensible"), filing an appeal, ignoring an order from the Court to fix that appeal if he wanted it be heard, getting that appeal thrown out as abandoned after three and a half years, and finally getting kicked out of bankruptcy for simply not making payments according to his own Conditional Discharge Order.

At this point, I believe Patrick owes me in the neighbourhood of $118,000, but I'm not sure if I had already added that most recent cost award against him of $3,000, but as soon as I file to start collection, I'm told I will have to front a couple grand to start things off, but whatever I'm asked to front will simply be added to Patrick's bill so, hilariously, Patrick will end up paying for the cost of collection against him, which we might as well call an even $120,000. That is moderately amusing.

In any event, the first order of business will be to freeze and seize any and all of Patrick's bank accounts at Synergy Credit Union of Lloydminster (Corporate slogan: "He's all yours."), whereupon it will be interesting to see how Patrick can continue working on a contract gig out of a hotel in Grande Prairie when all of his bank accounts are suddenly emptied and locked down, but I'm sure it will all work out for him.

P.S. And in today's installment of "Tweets that did not age well" ...


Anonymous said...

Any guess on when the physical repossession of Patrick's stuff will happen? I'm guessing not right away since the Sheriffs will have to schedule it, but I'd be willing to take a day off to show up and take pictures.

CC said...

Anon: Quite so, the Sheriffs' involvement depends entirely on their schedule so it's up in the air. On the other hand, there are other things that involve simply filling out and filing forms, such as seizing Patrick's bank accounts, and demanding the last 10 years of all of his financials, including tax returns. All that should happen much more quickly, I'd imagine.

MgS said...

Whether Patrick actually has $120K in assets is a matter yet to be determined.

I suspect his bank accounts basically hold a few old taco wrappers and a couple desiccated spiders.

... of course, there's always the matter of auditing the alleged shenanigans his family have been playing to hide assets. That, however, will no doubt turn into several years' worth of court wrangling - especially if the Ross family decides to lawyer up in a more serious way than Patrick has.

Anonymous said...

What happens if the Twatster moves all of his assets to a new bank? Can you track his finances via his Social Insurance Number, or something?

CC said...

Once the Saskatchewan sheriffs get involved, simply moving your money to another bank is not a winning move since they have access to all sorts of cool tools to defeat that sort of silliness. Oh, and if Patrick forces them to work extra hard to track him down, they will simply bill him for it.

MgS said...

Patrick may become the first undischargeable bankrupt in Canadian history. Wouldn't that be amusing?