Thursday, September 09, 2021


It's fascinating how the rabid anti-vaxxer crowd relentlessly demeans and denigrates medical professionals, mocks their advice about masks and social distancing, and are now literally protesting at hospitals, swearing at doctors and nurses, bullying them and threatening them physically, but if anyone suggests that those doctors and nurses start giving lower priority to idiots who contract COVID-19 after refusing to take any precautions, what you hear is, "How *dare* those doctors and nurses betray their oath? They have a medical obligation to treat me, it's disgusting that they might choose to dismiss me like a second class citizen!!

Short form: "Yes, we reserve the right to treat you nurses like shit, but that better not affect your concern for our health and well-being."


thwap said...

I wonder if it would be legal to provide a genuine mask/vaccine exemption for these folks with the proviso that they are financially liable for any use of public health services for COVID-related illness? And that furthermore, anyone who contracts COVID-19 from them can sue them?

Which is to say that if an anti-mask/anti-vaxxer came into work and people subsequently became ill, that means the freedom-fighter in question might be responsible and that a court of law will establish if they have to pay for any damages.

chris said...

@thwap- No doubt the private insurance companies will be glad to sell insurance to the unvaxxed. for a small(ish) fee. I've been waiting for the US healthcare insurance cos. to weigh in on this. The antivax police unions, for instance, might be in for a big surprise.