So what's happening over at Blogging Tory Neo Conservative's Dead Minority Bar and Grill? Oh ...

Really? That actually sounds kinda stupid, not to mention totally unenforceable. If only there was someone to research claims like that, to determine their actual accuracy. Oh, look:
To explore whether the claim is true, we went back to Sunstein's 2002 book, In it, Sunstein discusses the drawbacks of limitless choices on the Internet that allow people to seek out only like-minded people and opinions that merely fortify their own views, creating an echo chamber that Sunstein argued is bad for democracy. [Ed: Paging Stephen Taylor; Stephen Taylor to the white Blogging Tory hermetically-sealed bubble courtesy phone.] In the book, Sunstein talks about the idea of the government requiring sites to link to opposing views.
In a later edition of the book released in 2007, 2.0, Sunstein tempers that position, advocating instead for the creation of public spaces on the Internet where people with differing viewpoints could share their ideas with one another.
But in a video interview on the Web site on Feb. 29, 2008, Sunstein actually goes a little bit farther than that, calling it a "bad idea" he should never have ventured.
Asked to explain some of the differences between the first book, what Sunstein called "the initial inadequate edition," and its successor, Sunstein said, "To me, the most important (difference) is that the first was full of some bad policy recommendations and I was able to get rid of those. So I feel the book has been corrected." ...
Yes, Sunstein acknowledges this was an idea he once threw out there -- albeit, in his words, "tentatively." But he now thinks it's a bad idea. So the chain e-mail/article is correct that Sunstein once suggested it. But contrary to the headline, it's a position he no longer holds, as he has since said strongly and repeatedly. Once true. No longer. That leaves us at Half True.
And yet, the Neo-flavoured shrieking and panty-rending will continue. It always does. He's such a Twatsy that way.
3:19 and neo has cut and pasted his usual "welcome readers of CC". He's slipping, it was a full 30 minutes after your post.
He must stalk this blog as well as his own!
Poor Neo -- he's such a one-trick pony. It sure will be an exciting day in the bloggysphere when he comes up with a new insult. I can't wait.
He's gone full "Wanda"...
*Snicker* ... this is the guy who wants us all to chill out over dead Canadian military. Probably not the right guy to be dissing someone else's intemperance or indifference, if you catch my drift.
And I think you do.
But...isn't that what you do, CC? link to persons of opposite opinions?
Ok, often your purpose is to relentlessly mock them, but you still link. What's stopping any of those on the rightwing of the think holes from (when they're not already) linking and mocking? What's the big deal here? The fact they might clue their readers into viewing something that isn't all about them?
I mean egad, you lot here (and just recently over the demographics and commentary on Steyn at URH) seem to have no trouble attracting trolls. someone must be linking.
Neo-flavoured shrieking and panty-rending Ummm...ewwww!
In the spirit of indefatibable optimism and faith in the human spirit, I actually tried to talk with Neo a couple of weeks ago. It was weird. He was a troll on his own blog - pulling out every stop to defuse anything resembling rational exchange.
Why does someone like that blog?
Balbulican.. I try that everyonce and awhile as well.. you've put your finger on it nicely.. self trolling..
He's got an out of context quote that for anyone who's ever posted there and he pulls it out and torques it... it's great fun... assuming you like shit flinging monkyism...
There's a new sheriff in town! "uber.liberal", over at neo Gepetto's
"He was a troll on his own blog"i've made the same observation, right on this very blog; that he's a lie-in-wait troll, as opposed to predator.
Sounds like a Johnny Carson routine.
Johnny: I was at neoconservative's blog and it was bad.
Ed: How bad was it?
Johnny: It was so bad, his trolls now have trolls!
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