Friday, July 07, 2006

Traitors and quislings, the lot of them!

If you don't believe fervently in George Bush's economic recovery plan, well, you must just hate America. Hold on ...

According to Tom Blackburn of the Palm Beach Post, [Dick] Cheney has invested heavily in "a fund that specializes in short-term municipal bonds, a tax-exempt money market fund and an inflation protected securities fund. The first two hold up if interest rates rise with inflation. The third is protected against inflation."

Cheney has dumped another (estimated) $10 to $25 million in a European bond fund which tells us that he is counting on a steadily weakening dollar. So, while working class Americans are loosing ground to inflation and rising energy costs, Darth Cheney will be enhancing his wealth in "Old Europe". As Blackburn sagely notes, "Not all bad news' is bad for everybody."

I'm guessing that, when the U.S. economy finally implodes, dear old Dick is never going to have to choose between Whiskas and Li'l Friskies for dinner.

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