Thursday, July 13, 2006

Fool me once, um ... how does that go again?

Those who don't remember history are condemned to continue looking like total cementheads:

Israel says Hezbollah plans to transfer the kidnapped IDF soldiers to Iran:

Israel has concrete evidence that Hezbollah plans to transfer the two Israel Defense Forces soldiers abducted Wednesday to Iran, Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said Thursday.

And if you don't buy that, well, then, Iran has WMDs, so we still have to nuke them. And if you don't believe that, well, they have these Jews and these badges ...

1 comment:

Zorpheous said...

Canadian Cynic, you need to more trusting and less,... oh I don't know,... less cynical.

Maybe you should change your name to the Canadian Trusterer, the Seeker of Truthiness and Happy Go Lucky Thoughts and Dreams, and Generall all Things Nice.
