Friday, November 10, 2006

You're entitled to your own opinions ...

... you're not entitled to your own facts. And this is the basic issue when dissecting the inane dumbassitude of the wankersphere.

It's not that their opinions are illogical, internally inconsistent, poorly reasoned and even more poorly defended. It's that their basic facts are just hopelessly wrong. Or, as Arnold Rimmer would say, "absolutely brimming over with wrongability."

I've been chided (in good fun, of course) for picking on the "low-hanging fruit" of the Canadian wankersphere. But, I ask you, who among the Blogging Tories wouldn't qualify as low-hanging fruit? Who in that collection of pompous windbags actually has a blog that's worth reading on a regular basis that doesn't contain constant errors of simple fact, or that doesn't present howlingly hypocritical arguments with a perfectly straight face?

You want more intellectually-challenging criticism? Fine -- point out some Blogging Tories that actually post something worth reading and critiquing. Seriously. I'm open to suggestions.

... Can you even read this entire piece without gagging? Or this one?


Anonymous said...

I'll be watching this.

The only "conservatives" who aren't morons and liars tend to be Liberal Party of Canada supporters.

I've always encountered some fundamental problems with "conservative" thinking.

Anonymous said...

why ti-guy, flattery will get you everywhere with me!

why don't u come up and see me sometime :) ?

but seriously, i do like low hanging fruit. it give you something to hang on to.

melons too have their uses. :)

what i find so funny about CC is that for someone who says he hates, he spends an awful lot of time there!

and the poor baby never answered my points re the court challenges program. I think that's because when faced with logic, CC runs in the other direction. Snarkitude is just so much easier than rational analysis after all.

Simon said...

Yeah, CC's problem is that he's weak with logic. *giant eyeroll*

"what i find so funny about CC is that for someone who says he hates, he spends an awful lot of time there!"

Gawd, I'd settle for anyone finding a blogging tory that isn't as dumb as a rotted tree stump.

Mark, Ottawa said...


With a definite conflict of interest.


