Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Where's my thesaurus?

I need another phrase for butt-kissing sycophancy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another word for butt-kissing sycophancy?

billmon (this post comes with it's own viewer descression warning)

If you really don't want a word, but would rather have an essay:

Glenn Greenwald
Glenn Greenwald

If it's Steyn in particular you want, then the follwong might be interesting:

Glenn Greenwald
Glenn Greenwald

Ok – instead of butt-kissing sycophancy – how about torture loving nazi?

HH: Well, the alleged enemy combatants lost their habeus [sic] corpus rights today, thanks to the steely indifference to liberty, as the Democrats would put it, of the Republican majority in the Senate. Do they appear put upon to you, Mark Steyn?

MS: No, they don't. It's interesting to me. They were being treated very lavishly . . .


HH: Mark Steyn, did you get a chance to talk to any of the interrogators at Gitmo?

MS: Yes, I did, actually. (laughing) I spoke briefly to a rather lovely female interrogator. As you know, Muslim young men often have complicated attitudes to women. And they...and she, in fact, found that although Saudi males were incredibly hostile to her the first couple of times she interrogates them, that they've been deprived of female company for so long, that actually, they warm up to her by about the third or fourth meeting.

So I found the interrogation, I think...I had the opportunity to kind of eavesdrop on a couple of interrogations, which are certainly surreal, if you're used to this sort of anti-American propaganda, where the guys are in dungeons and chains, chained to these little, wooden chairs under the bare light bulb, or some guys beating the information out of them. In fact, they're interrogated in a La-Z-Boy recliner, which is this oddly surreal point. It's a very unusual set up down there.