Thursday, November 02, 2006

Dear wingnuts: It must suck to be you.

I believe they call this the death of innocence. Or the awakening from abject stupidity. Either one works for me.

ONE'S A FLUKE, TWO'S A PATTERN: Now here's an interesting observation. Note what appears to be the tipping point for Cole (emphasis added):

I don’t know when things went south with this party ..., but for me, Terri Schiavo was the real eye-opener. Sure, the Prescription Drug Plan was hideous and still gets my blood pressure pumping, and the awful bankruptcy bill was equally bad, and there were other things that should have clued me in, but really, it was Schiavo that made me realize this party was not as advertized.

Continuing in this vein, we have Glenn Greenwald writing at length on this issue, and referring to commenter Mona:

John Cole is a cool guy, and I have a particular affinity for him because our ideological trajectory has been very similar. It was the Schiavo derangement that really jolted me into awareness that this populist, religion-driven, power-mad GOP was truly dangerous to our American way of life.

Are you starting to see a pattern here? We all remember how the wingnut right was absolutely salivating over the persistently vegetative Schiavo (hi, Jinx!). And now, wouldn't it be the height of irony if that collective, holier-than-thou, infantile idiocy came back to cost them Congress? Oh, the schadenfreude would be just delightful, wouldn't it?


Simon said...

I almost miss Jinxie. Maybe you should revisit the topic of that poor goof once in a while. Maybe on the annual anniversary of your banning him?

Anonymous said...

It must be terrifying to have it all fall away all at once like that.

A worldview shattered.

Like waking up in "The Matrix" (or some other silly pop-culture reference)