Sunday, July 23, 2023


Truly stupid human being who was an excellent candidate for a kidney transplant chooses to die instead:

Here, let me paraphrase:

  • Uninformed
  • Uneducated
  • Underground
P.S. Wait for the inevitable, "Horrible leftards don't care if father of five dies!" You know it's coming.

P.P.S. Read the entire article to truly understand how fucked up this guy was intellectually and psychologically. This was a very damaged individual.


Anonymous said...

Not quite an excellent candidate for a kidney transplant. According to his own fundraising page, he "had suffered “a botched surgery that landed him with a staph infection. After that, he was never the same. His health quickly deteriorated and he became septic, which in turn caused a serious heart problem, a collapsed lung, and temporary paralysis. He was told he was no longer a transplant candidate due to his poor health.”

No question the man was an idiot, but the real scumbags here are the folks exploiting this fool's death as a heroic martyrdom for the cause of "freedom".

CC said...

Anon @ 11:26 AM: I was being generous and giving this moron the benefit of the doubt. More distressing is that part of the Give Send Go fundraiser is not for the immediate benefit of the family, but for lawyers to get obscenely rich promoting a case that has no chance of going anywhere.

Once again, the grift goes ever on.