Friday, July 28, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: Keeping the pressure on.

While I wait for the province of Saskatchewan to process my search requests for the wills/estates related to the late parents of undischarged bankrupt and self-described financial genius Patrick Ross, let us not lose sight of the fact that I still want every scrap of information I can get about him, including any possible photographic evidence I can lay hands on.

Given the recent demise of Patrick's father, Patrick no longer has the financial support of his biggest enabler, which means that Patrick is now in a truly vulnerable position, having no financial backing while simultaneously being bankrupt and being the target of Saskatchewan collection enforcement. This means that it is highly unlikely that Patrick would be able to rent an apartment, or buy a new vehicle, or ... well, pretty much anything, without some outside assistance. (I suppose it's possible that one of Patrick's siblings could step in and co-sign things like loans or rental leases, but I'm guessing that none of Patrick's immediate family are any too fond of him right now, seeing as how Patrick almost certainly blew through what would have been a sizable portion of their inheritance.)

In any event, I'm after every bit of information I can get related to Patrick's whereabouts -- where he's living, where he's working, what he's driving, you know the drill -- and all of that is invited to come with photographic backup, as it is perfectly legal to take pictures of whatever the fuck you want as long as you're doing it while standing on public property, so any of Patrick's hysterical threats about suing folks for invasion of privacy or harassment for simply taking a picture of his house from the road is sheer rubbish (and he knows this as he was told this quite explicitly by a number of people).

So, feel free to play along and help me keep tabs on Lord Baron von Loadenhosen and his currently unsustainable lifestyle as he careens from one social media pissing contest to another when he could be, you know, trying to salvage the smoking remains of his sad, middle-aged life.

I'm just trying to be helpful.


Anonymous said...

As long as Patrick had his father to run interference for him and subsidize him and give him a place to stay when he was unemployed, I could sort of see how Patrick could drag this out for so long. But now that Ken has croaked, how the fuck can Patrick keep this up? He's still bankrupt, he has active collection proceedings against him, he owes you a ton of money and bankruptcy is not even helping him there, how long does Patrick think this can last? What do you think is going to break first?

CC said...

Anon @ 6:16 AM: I honestly have no idea. Normal people would not be able to sustain this sort of lifestyle, but I was warned years ago that if someone wanted to be a total non-entity and live entirely off the grid and never own a house or run a business or have actual bank accounts or investments or RRSPs, there could be no limit to how long they could keep taking questionable employment where employers made it a point never to ask questions. I was told that the oil patch was exactly this sort of place where you could get a job as a "swamper", and no one would give a shit about your background as long as you showed up.

So I have no idea. Patrick might be the kind of person who is so utterly unambitious in terms of life goals that he's perfectly fine jumping from one menial oil patch job to the next well into his fifties and beyond. It may very well be that his idea of revenge is to be such a colossal failure in every respect that I will never collect from him.

I'm sure his parents would be proud.

CC said...

Anon @ 6:16 AM: I will point out a couple more things. First, even as Patrick congratulates himself for evading his personal responsibility, his debt to me is increasing at 5 per cent per year, so the more time goes by, the bigger the hole he is in, meaning there is precious little chance of his *ever* paying off his debt to me.

Also, while Patrick thinks he's being clever, all it will take is one slip-up that reveals where he is living and working that lets me start taking his stuff. And Patrick is not the kind of evil genius that can pull off this sort of thing forever.

I guess it's all a matter of whether Patrick sees anything more in his future than accusing people on Twitter of being pedophiles because he thinks that's hilarious.

Anonymous said...

The only thing Columbus discovered was that he was lost. Or, more prosaically: You absolutely, comically, have no idea what you're talking about.

CC said...

ALL: The previous comment is the sort of thing I'm used to seeing on an occasional basis, and I *suspect* it's just Patrick, going all "blar-har-har, man, you're a moron." I typically just delete those comments, but I was advised recently to actually moderate them through, and here's why.

If it *is* Patrick (more on that shortly), then if the two of us end up in court, I can use such comments as proof that he is in fact following this blog, so that he has no recourse to some sort of, "Gosh, I had no *idea* CC was looking for me," or something equally inane.

Granted, I can't *prove* it's him but, if for some reason we ended up in court, he would have to answer under oath whether he left such comments, and that would be more than a little awkward.

So, fair warning -- I may very well be approving such snarky, childish comments in the future, and keeping track of them as well, just in case.

Anonymous said...

If it's not him, it's a note perfect imitation of his twitter/blogging style: a sophomoric pose of lofty superiority, unrelieved by an hint of actual knowledge, fact, logic, evidence or insight, but hinting at vast reservoirs of secret knowledge to which you, poor mortal, do not have access.

Same voice and trolling style for the last ten years. I guess it COULD be Jordan Peterson, but I'm guessing Patrick.

thwap said...

At some point the scene in "Downfall" where Hitler goes apeshit will be given subtitles relevant to Patrick Ross's predicament.

CC said...

thwap: That's funny but I don't see it happening since Patrick does not have the self-awareness to realize how screwed he is. Even as he sinks further into the self-inflicted dumpster fire that is his life, he will still be cackling, "Boy, wait until I get those guys into court, then I'll show them."