Monday, July 24, 2023

The million-dollar grift of Annette Lewis.

Jesus, Mary, Mother of God ...

And keep in mind, given how much has already been raised for Lewis' earlier idiotic, meritless legal actions, we're looking at raising potentially a million dollars simply because Lewis (*checks notes*) refuses to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

Fuck these people and their greed and stupidity.

PREDICTION: I will go out on a limb and predict that this obscenely expensive U.S. operation will never happen, but a number of Canadian grift factories like True North, Rebel News and JCCF will make a small group of lawyers delightfully rich.

Same as it ever was, amirite?

BONUS TRACK: If anyone wants to understand the complete and total rejection of Lewis' initial application to be given preferential treatment related to the lung transplant priority list, I suggest reading both the initial ruling and the ruling from the appeal, paying particular attention to this closing position from the Court of Appeal of Alberta:

"In the circumstances of this appeal, while Ms Lewis has the right to refuse to be vaccinated against COVID-19, the Charter cannot remediate the consequences of her choice."

Here, let me summarize that for you: "You have the freedom to make spectacularly stupid and self-destructive decisions; you also have the freedom to live with the consequences of being that kind of idiot."

I think that's a perfectly reasonable position.

P.S. Before engaging in hysterical bloviating like "OMG, Justin Trudeau wants to murder people who don't get vaccinated!!!!" or similar idiocy, it behooves one to read the two rulings above, to appreciate that the Court did in fact carefully consider all of Lewis's arguments and shredded them. So if you're tempted to shriek about death sentences, it would be nice to address the specific parts of the above rulings that make the appropriate findings. (By the way, this has nothing to do with Justin Trudeau -- the rulings come from the Alberta courts.)

A QUESTION IF I MAY: While there are a number of "official" gag orders around this case (including even mentioning Lewis' ailment and which organ is involved), it's no secret that Lewis suffers from terminal idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in both lungs, and therefore requires a double lung transplant, which raises a question.

In the GiveSendGo fundraiser, Lewis apparently needs at least $100,000 simply for initial testing. I quote:

"With the help of a few dedicated friends, Sheila Annette has now found a hospital in the US that does not require the C19 vaccination for its transplant patients. The testing alone is estimated to cost about $100,000 CAD, and the surgery, many hundreds of thousands dollars more."

Given Lewis' condition, what kind of "testing" are we talking about here? More significantly, is it possible that the "testing" could show that Lewis simply is not a viable candidate? Is it possible that that initial $100,000 turns out to be a total waste of money and Lewis ends up right back where she started?



Anonymous said...

Even if she raises the money to get that operation, isn't there a good chance that the organ(s) will be from someone who was vaccinated against COVID-19? Wouldn't that defeat the whole purpose of refusing to get the jab? All that money wasted for nothing.

Anonymous said...

What happens if Lewis somehow, against all odds, raises enough money, gets the operation, returns to Canada, and there are complications so she needs expensive follow-up care? Is she just going to leech off of Canada's health care system? If that's the case, she'll end up sending all that initial money south of the border, then get Canadians to pick up the tab for all the post-op care. Fuck that.

MgS said...

First thought - the protocols for organ transplants in the US are more or less the same as in Canada, so simply crossing the border with a bag of cash isn’t exactly the win they think it is. The standards of care are more or less the same. Meaning that someone who isn’t up to date on major vaccinations, and probably unwilling to take future vaccines is simply deemed to be less likely to follow medical advice on other matters, and therefore far more likely to ultimately end up dying prematurely anyhow through a lack of adequate self care.

She might be able to go to other countries with less clear standards of care and ethics, but then returning to Canada is going to involve a much longer, and more risky and uncomfortable plane ride back - and sutures have a nasty habit of failing when subjected to long periods of consistent jostling about when they’re relatively new.

Anonymous said...

It seems like Lewis' primary complaint is that the COVID-19 vaccine is "experimental" and can't be trusted. But her case has been going on for over two years now, so at what point does that complaint lose its value? You can't just keep complaining about something being "experimental" year after year.

Anonymous said...

Same "Anonymous" from a few minutes ago: I haven't seen anyone address the insurance aspect of this. Say Lewis has life insurance, with a big payout if she dies of something like what she has. But by refusing to get vaccinated, she is ***choosing*** to not be eligible for a double lung transplant which could save her life. If Lewis dies and I am her insurance company, I would refuse to pay out that policy and argue that it was her *decision* to refuse medical treatment. And I could use those rulings above to argue my case.

MgS said...

Well - in terms of testing etc.:

… and assuming that you pass all of the medical requirements, then it becomes a matter of when / if a suitable candidate donor turns up, and what your physical condition is at that time the donor turns up …

The list of variables is … lengthy

Anonymous said...

Interesting to note that the grift has shifted its focus from actual medical expenses and money for her pointless lawsuit to paying for her accommodations and day-to-day living expenses.

Anonymous said...

"You can't just keep complaining about something being "experimental" year after year."

So yer new to Konvoy Kountry, are ya?

Anonymous said...

A while ago I saw a video clip of her talking about how she had gotten covid at some point and had gone to a doctor who told her she should never have the vaccine because of her medical issues. I don't know if this happened after the legal decisions were settled.

I would like to know if this doctor was recommended by her lawyers. Maybe she needs to raise money to sue them.


Mark Richard Francis said...

She absolutely should be able to bump someone off the list who is making better life decisions than she is... Oh, wait...