Friday, October 09, 2009

Ah, the Adrian-flavoured irony.

The unintentional hilarity (emphasis tail-waggingly added):

We continue, in other words, to officially believe in the rule of law and in the principles of free expression and thought, ...

This is from an unabashed fan of the Stephen Harper Party of Canada, one of the most outrageously law-breaking and corrupt governments in the history of the planet, and from a satisfied member of Canada's Blogging Tories, who have taken hermetically-sealed, selective blog comments sections to absurd extremes.

Apparently, reality has simply become too much like work.

P.S. There's something truly hypocritical about a Blogging Tory yammering on about disturbing government interference in our lives, as his very idols would love nothing more than to annihilate a woman's right to choose. I'm betting Adrian has no idea of the cognitive dissonance he has to live with every day.


Ti-Guy said...

Gerry Nicholls and the grooming of another catamite, I see.

I've never been so mistrustful of people championing "freedom" in my entire life. There's something truly cynical about the whole thing.

Backseat Blogger said...

"the Stephen Harper Party of Canada, one of the most outrageously law-breaking and corrupt governments in the history of the planet"

that's a tad over the top even for u cc.

I read the post in question and while I don't agree with his arguments, he does point out some serious problems that many civil libertarians have with some of the government's legislation (eg random drug testing of the populace)

abortion was not mentioned in his post aand the goernment has stated many times that no law on abortion will be brought forward. Apparently, reality has simply become too much like work for u cc

Frank Frink said...

the goernment has stated many times that no law on abortion will be brought forward.

Governments state, and promise, lots of things while crossing their fingers behind their backs. You're talking about this government, right BB?

wv = spilly. Backseat Blogger just did a spilly all over that brand new white shag rug.

CC said...

Dear Frank:

I'm sure you meant to refer to this, right? Yeah, I'm sure that's what you meant.

Frank Frink said...

Maybe I did, CC but I thought that it might be a bit too much for BB to handle all at once since it doesn't have a lot of pictures and big print.