Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Registered commenters only open thread.

Sadly, since some of those on the Right have never progressed beyond the intellectual age of, oh, eight, I've thrown the switch to accept comments from registered users only.

And they wonder why we think they're infantile.


Ti-Guy said...

But how will I live without their insightful commentary?


Fucking morons didn't even have the balls to choose a consistent pseudonym.

Anonymous said...

I guess it's "ball-check time". Let the sport begin, at least until I'm booted from the premises like so many others who don't parrot the party line here. I promise to watch my language and play nice with others, trying only to be a worthy opponent. After all, ti-guy shouldn't be the only regular commenter here.

Unless, of course, that is what the proprietors really want.

Ti-Guy said...

Yes, Gram, that's what the proprietors want. A comments section chock-full of my brilliance.

*rolls eyes*

As far as I know, there's no party line here. Mocking stupid conservatives isn't partisan; it's inevitable.

Paladiea said...

Yeah, the trolls are getting more and more shrill and annoying.

And I love how they think they're being clever, when they don't even have a point.

Unknown said...

Well, until I figure out how to make my old pseudonym show up (aweb), I suppose adam will do...

I'm curious, I saw the thread building earlier, how many comments did that idiot post in the end?

Lindsay Stewart said...

greetings survivors of the comment wars. i agree with pal there does seem to be a vociferousness to the trolls of late. i watched her site get over run with obnoxious wanks. i'm sure there are plenty of rude lefties doing similar in the other end of the blog pool as well.

i've also noticed that when the dolts are trumped by better argument they just sort of evaporate only to turn up in a new thread with the same daft lines. gram, so far you have at least attempted to address issues with reason. we might disagree with your reason but at least an effort is made and you aren't yet another anonyplonker. that should count for something.

Lindsay Stewart said...

as for party line...don't be a jerk would suffice.

Niles said...

The trolls just seem to be reflecting the increasing shrill frothing of their main role models, which seems to be jacking up the scale the more scandals are actually getting investigated.

Certainly hasn't been a good week for Canada's (and Baird said it /again/ in the announcements over the so called clean air stuff) *new* Government either.

Dave said...

Personally, I like the tack taken by Salvage over at Hair Fish Nuts: Feed the trolls. I need the hits.

That said, I agree Ti-Guy, there is no party line here. "Reality" isn't a political party - it would never get elected.

CC said...

gram seems a bit worried:

"I guess it's "ball-check time". Let the sport begin, at least until I'm booted from the premises like so many others who don't parrot the party line here. I promise to watch my language and play nice with others, trying only to be a worthy opponent."

gram, you haven't done anything to warrant getting booted so far. If you check the historical record, I have never tossed anyone for either disagreeing with me or using the occasional profanity.

What gets people tossed is being repetitively, monotonously pointless, as with the recent "anonymous" who thought it was just Teh Funny to post over a dozen tiny comments over the space of several minutes on a single post, as well as dozens of other equally vacuous comments elsewhere.

This is apparently what passes for intellectual discourse in the wankersphere these days.

Ti-Guy said...

greetings survivors of the comment wars...

I'm going to find a Vietnam vet who voted for Bush and steal his Purple Heart. I'm entitled, after all...

Adam C said...

test... could use a link to an account creation site...

Rev.Paperboy said...

What, no more "brave, brave" "lame" and "weak" from anonymous lame, weak and "brave" dickheads?

thank jeebus!

Weasel said...

never progressed beyond the intellectual age of, oh, eight,

I was thinking two and a half myself... :)