Sunday, April 08, 2007

Beware the snark!

"You're a retard! No, you're a retard! Well, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you! Does not! Does, too!"

It almost makes you miss the comparative thoughtful intellect of Pete Rempel.

I said "almost."


Ti-Guy said...

Alcock's just lonely. If he didn't have Bill O'Reilly to agree with, he'd only have Ann Coulter left as a father-figure. And she's too indimidating for him, as her balls are much larger.

*tsk*...What kind of crabbiness is that for me to indulge in on an Easter Sunday?

Zorpheous said...

Oh no CC, he has posted a picture of those two caveman with the caption "Wlecome Canadian Cynic Readers",...

Me thinks he is trying to figure out how to shorpen a pointy stick to fend you off, LOL,... maybe he should ask the "Cavemen" how to sharpen a pointy stick.