Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a scapegoat!

And to absolutely no one's surprise, Hurricane Katrina is the fault of ... the gays! But you knew that already, didn't you, Pete?


Anonymous said...

One has to wonder what the same group would say about a peace loving, turn the other cheek kinda guy who hung with twelve other guys. And then kissed the man who betrayed him to death.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it was those loose-fitting robes with the easy access that always creeped me out.

Ouranosaurus said...

Apparently there's an e-mail floating around the web that blames it on abortion. I'd kind of like to see the two groups of nuts fight it out - with knives, in the filthy, septic streets of New Orleans. Could cut down the surplus religious fanatic bigot population somewhat.

Anonymous said...

You would think that if some divine power wanted to smite some gays it'd blow up San Francisco not New Orleans. New Orleans' sinking suggests to me that God hates Girls Gone Wild.

-Socialist Swine