Tuesday, January 04, 2005

More of that "compassionate conservatism," I guess.

From today's Globe and Mail, we have the American version of
"winning hearts and minds" in Thailand:

PATONG BEACH, THAILAND -- Amid the death and destruction of Phuket's most famous beach, an American tourist was enthusiastically snapping photos of rubble and wrecked buildings yesterday.

Terry Blanton of Florida had flown into Phuket with one thing on his mind: taking pictures of the devastation wreaked by the tsunamis. He and a friend had spent $300 (U.S.) on airplane tickets from Bangkok for their whirlwind three-hour tour of the disaster zone.

He seemed slightly disappointed by what he saw. "I thought it would be a lot worse," he said.

Blanton then asked where he might find disaster victims suffering from cholera or, perhaps, dysentery, since he had one of those cool, new 1G compact flash cards in his digital camera that could hold almost 10,000 images at the regular setting, or even 1,500 in high-quality TIFF format.

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