Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Poor Brian ...

... things weren't supposed to turn out this way, were they? Of course, you just know that the end result of all this will be simply to prove that we leftists are a bunch of angry, deranged, unhinged moonbats who are utterly incapable of participating in civilized discourse.

Just wait for it -- you know that's what's coming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we leftists are a bunch of angry, deranged, unhinged moonbats who are utterly incapable of participating in civilized discourse.

- - - - - -

I'm not that far along just yet, but after another 21 months and 2 weeks of the BushCo regime I'm sure I will be.

But I suppose I'm still a moonbat because I demand accountability from the politicians that run my gov.


Honestly, I cannot FATHOM why people are just sitting there wanking while little Nero Bush fiddles, like there's nothing wrong with it at all.