Wednesday, November 08, 2023


"Pro-life" Canadians who tearfully insist that every single child's life is sacred and is a gift from God and must be protected at all costs still totally fine with bombing the fuck out of Gaza and slaughtering hundreds of innocent women and children combined.

Go figure.


thwap said...

It's got something to do with the Book of REvelations in their made-up religion.

Anonymous said...

This probably explains more about the west's unwavering support of Israel, no matter what atrocities they commit, better than I ever could. As thwap said above, it's all about End Time prophecy and the second coming. The fact that so many people in government believe this nonsense and are willing to excuse outright genocide for it is disgusting.

Coolxenu said...

They think it's the rapture or some other bullshit.

Purple library guy said...

Thousands, not hundreds. Apparently Israel has killed more civilian Palestinians so far than the civilian death toll of the whole Ukraine war so far. Of course the Ukraine war has killed far, far, far more soldiers, who are people too, but it's still an amazingly creepy indicator.

Anyway, yeah, apparently they have to support Israel no matter what because Israel is supposed to do something in the End Times and God can't arrange it unless they make sure to be evil for the cause. Not like He's omnipotent or something, apparently. Presumably by the same token they're all going to support the Antichrist when that comes along. Maybe that's why they're backing Trump . . . you know, just in case.

Anonymous said...

Netanyahu has mentioned several times in his press conferences that he's also using the Tanakh as justification for his war crimes.

Anonymous said...

"More children have been killed in just over three weeks in Gaza than in all of the world’s conflicts combined in each of the past three years", according to the global charity Save the Children." [0]

In the Western world, especially by Serious People, Palestinians aren't 'worthy victims'.

All Palestinians (and their supporters) are labelled as as Jew-hating terrorists, with no other aspirations or goals other than the extermination of Israel in particular, and Jewish people in general. They feel this way for no reason whatsoever. Just irrational hatred, they have no reason to feel. Obviously they can't be reasoned with.*

