Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy interestversary!

Another month, and another several hundred dollars added to the swelling debt of Lloydminster's favourite undischarged bankrupt and fugitive village idiot, Patrick "Super Duper Hyper Warp Speed Nexus Mullet Ass Kicking Quintuple Threat Bad Ass Chick Magnet" Ross:

At the moment, I have a buttload of end-of-week deadlines, so you will all have to be patient to hear the latest scoop on the train wreck dumpster fire that is Patrick's life:

All this, even as Patrick is hiding out somewhere in the wilds of northern Alberta, hoping that knock on the door is not yet another process server or someone from the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. So, hang in there, and I'll have something more substantial this weekend.

BONUS TRACK: To no one's surprise, here's Patrick, still insisting on the "Freedom Convoy" being a totally legal and peaceful get-together, despite it being nothing of the sort:

1 comment:

RossOwesDay said...

Beneath the delusional "internet tough guy" act he puts on, the Twatster must be truly terrified.