Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Chronicles of Twatrick: Ah, the gullibility.

Here's financial and law enforcement fugitive Patrick "Bad Company Super Mullet Triple Patty Quadruple Chin Soft Core Porn High School Chick Magnet Nexus of Assholery" Ross, shrieking ignorantly about a pro-Israeli demonstrator allegedly being "beat to death":

Hey, I know ... let's actually do some, you know, research and figure out what really happened.

In other words, Patrick is full of shit as always and, amusingly, the sheriff involved could have been speaking directly to him:

I swear, one could write an entire thesis on the dishonesty of social media based on Patrick's Twitter account alone.

BONUS TRACK: I have been informed that Patrick has still not figured out the difference between visiting someone's web site using "http://" versus using "https://". This is the level of dumbth we are dealing with.

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