Tuesday, July 06, 2021


Here's Rebel News' Ezra Levant, unsure who those people were who attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6:

despite what seems like adequate evidence:

On the other hand, here's Ezra speculating wildly with absolutely no evidence:

See how that works?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After having a little cry when I heard the news we lost an entire town (and not yet knowing how many people had died), I thought to myself "what is the worst that right-wing news will say about this incident".

I did come up with blaming a church arson for the fire, but thought to myself that that would surely be beyond the pale. But, as we all should know, there is no bottom with these people. Now that he opened this door, I expect to see this false claim more and more.

The current cause of the Lytton fire is still being investigated, but there is some suspicion that it was started by a passing train, since a train was on the track at the time the fire started. Quite often trains spark fires and in the extra dry and hot conditions the fire spread is explosive. The fire started just after 5pm. Not exactly prime time for an arson.

Ezra's use of "often" is doing a lot of work. On average 40% of fires in BC are human caused. This varies throughout the fire season, with a higher percent of fires human caused in the early "wet" season and more fires from lightning in the later "dry" season. With the recent heat wave, everything is dry right now.

The fire is still burning, and the highway through the Fraser Canyon is still closed from Boston Bar to Spences Bridge.