Monday, July 19, 2021

The Winnipeg Free Press disembowels the JCCF.

Good piece in the Wpg Free Press regarding the sleaze shop that is the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, and while it has numerous absolute nuggets, here's my favourite:

Um ... a decision made by "one person in the organization?" Lisa, dear, that "one person in the organization" was your fucking president!! We're not talking about Carlos who works in the stockroom, or Gladys the lunch lady; we're talking about the person who runs the whole goddamned place!

Jesus, where's my heart medication?


Anonymous said...

Can we all appreciate that Carpay has NOT resigned or stepped down from the presidency of the JCCF? Reports are consistent that he has simply stepped aside temporarily or is (as reported in that article) "taking an indefinite period of leave." In other words, no real accountability, leaving the door open for Carpay to return as soon as he feels enough time has passed that this has blown over.

Anonymous said...

I think Ezra feels time's winged chariot hovering near...he posted a warm and loving tribute to himself, and did the most cringey "when I get to heaven" schtick I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

There's an even deeper and more delicious irony at work.

Consider the JCCF's panicked claim that this was "a unilateral decision made by one person in the organization".

So within this advocacy group for more transparency, more accountability, and better adhere to the spirit of law, a guy, without consulting anyone at all, can conceive an unethical, distasteful and probably illegal plan to stalk and spy on judges and senior officials he may want to embarrass; can select a contractor, enter into a contract, sign chequess and authorize expenses for the project, without ANYONE'S knowledge or approval?

Apart from the sleaziness of the entire operation - what an extraordinarily lax and sloppy ,governance, administrative and finance management framework these guardians of our freedom operate under.