Monday, July 26, 2021

Well, that escalated quickly.



Anonymous said...

I've heard from more than one source that Rebel News "journalists" are instructed to get into arguments and physical confrontations with people at these press conferences, precisely for the purpose of getting detained or arrested so Ezra can throw together a fundraiser. All these physical confrontations are not by accident, they are by design.

You can see it in the pattern every single time -- Rebel journo asks provocative or leading or insulting question, person refuses to answer and turns away, Rebel journo follows, getting more and more belligerent and screaming at person to answer the question, to the point where others have to step in and physically restrain Rebel hack, at which point they scream "assault", a fight ensues, police are called, and Ezra immediately asks donors to hand over money.

It happens every single time, and stupid people keep falling for it.

Anonymous said...

This is a well known activist strategy, practiced by provocateurs on every point on the political spectrum. It's ironic to see the tactics taught by Saul Alinksy, Si Kahn and Abby Hoffman being adopted by the extreme right. Watching "pastor" Arthur Pawloswki dropping to his knees in traffic, refusing to stand, forcing the RCMP to draft him off the road to safety, then complaining furiously about being "manhandled", was a recent example; it's nothing to do with journalism, and everything to do with posturing for the cameras.
Strangely (or perhaps not), no-one has ever noticed that the Rebel's ENTIRE coverage of these events include ZERO content or analysis of the event itself, or of whatever "issue" they claim to be investigating: EVERY story is about the Rebel "not being allowed to report". If the Rebel didn't provoke the mediagenic confrontation and subsequent fundraiser, there would be no story there at all.