Wednesday, July 07, 2021

An excellent question.


I'm not sure ... unemployment, bankruptcy, homelessness, lengthy prison terms ... the possibilities are endless.

I'm just free associating here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With restrictions being rolled back, no new charges being laid, and a rapidly rising list of defeats in the court, the "Fight the Fines" cash cow will dry up pretty quickly. It's the sort of thing you give a donation to once, not something a reader would continue to pump money into - especially as they continue to lose. Presumably the lawyers have an obligation to complete and follow through on all cases currently in the works; with no new cash flowing in, that will deplete the Rebel reservoirs pretty quickly.

They're desperately trying to spin a string of arsons in the wake of the Residential Schools graves story into a "War on Christianity", and their columnists appear to be lining up behind that one. But beyond the "Call Me Instead of the RCMP with your evidence" schtick, it's hard to see how Ezra can frame this as a long-term money spinner, as he was obviously hoping to do with Fight the Fines. My guess is he's praying for a fall election, in which he'll campaign for Bernier, and in all likelihood release another "book", violate the election act again, and whip up a little indignation from his "persecution".